Safety Is Your Number One Priority, Make Sure to Schedule Your AAADM Door Inspections

January 02, 2023

The AAADM, or American Association of Automatic Door Manufacturers recommends getting an annual door inspection. Getting an annual inspection of your automatic doors is an essential way to help ensure the safety of your customers, employees, and property.

No matter what type of establishment you own or what automatic door system you have, you can trust Door Services Corporation to ensure they are up to par. Our expert technicians will thoroughly inspect and make any adjustments to your automatic door systems to comply with current ANSI (American National Standards Institute) standards.

What’s Included In An AAADM Annual Inspection?

The three main areas addressed in an AAADM Annual Inspection are overall maintenance inspection, safety testing, and emergency function testing.
  • Maintenance Inspections: This is essentially a wellness checkup for automatic doors. We will look at your setup and provide any necessary upkeep for prevention measures.
  • Emergency Function Tests: Here, we check emergency features on your doors to ensure they are working properly. This includes a fully functional breakout system, sensor functions, and parts in the right place.
  • Safety Testing: When testing your automatic doors for safety, we check their opening and closing force, sensitivity, detection patterns, speed, sensor layouts, and more. Everything we look for and test ensures that entrances and exits are fully functional and are in compliance with ANSI standards.

What Is Our Process?

When you are ready for an automatic door inspection, you can reach out to the friendly staff at Door Services Corporation by phone or online. The call is quick and simple, and we will have one of our AAADM certified technicians out to you in no time.

Once our techs perform a thorough inspection, you will get a detailed list of any concerns we’ve identified along with the best solution. We will do our best to take care of any issues on-site at the time of inspection, or we can provide a quote, obtain the necessary door repair parts, and return with them at your convenience to finish the job.

If you prefer to have scheduled routine automatic door inspections, choose a planned maintenance service contract plan that fits your needs. We currently offer three basic plans (basic, gold and platinum), but can also provide a custom plan for your facility to fit your unique door needs. 

Each plan offers specific preventative maintenance features that will keep your automatic doors up to code while saving you money.

Why Trust Us?

Before doing business with anyone, you always want to make sure you can trust the company and its employees.

You will be happy to know that our company has a collective 60 years of experience in the industry. We also provide a leading technician training program to all our technicians to ensure that each of them is highly equipped to handle any job efficiently, effectively, and professionally.

We are available 24/7 for emergency support. We know that accidents happen and issues can arise from anywhere, so we make ourselves available to customers every second of every day.

At Door Services Corporation, all our door service technicians are AAADM trained and certified. If you are outside the Door Services Corporation coverage area, check out all of our Door Services locations for additional coverage areas. All of our technicians are trained and certified at all locations.

What Are AAADM Certified Technicians?

An AAADM certification means that the inspectors working on your commercial automatic door systems are trained in all areas of the job. Our experts have taken the extra steps to ensure the safety of everyone entering and exiting your building.

If you choose to work with a company that isn’t AAADM-certified for your automatic door system, you are taking a significant gamble and possibly putting the safety and production of your business at risk.

Businesses with automatic doors, like an automatic sliding door, are responsible for maintenance and any injuries from function errors with their access control system. 

Act Now

If you live in the Pennsylvania, Maryland, Washington DC, Virginia, or Georgia areas, give Door Services Corporation a call now at (833) 671-8777 and schedule your annual automatic door safety inspection today. If you are outside the Door Services Corporation coverage area, check out all of our Door Services locations for additional coverage areas
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Your expert partner for pedestrian door service and installation, our company was built on quality products and long-term customer partnerships. We are a member of the American Association of Automatic Door Manufacturers. Our AAADM certified technicians have over 50 years of product knowledge. We service and repair all doors and windows models of all automatic door manufacturers.

24/7 emergency service is available to meet your after hour needs in our designated coverage areas:
  • Advanced Door Automation - North Carolina and east to the coastal regions
  • Advanced Door Service - Eastern Pennsylvania, Virginia, DC, Baltimore and Northern Georgia
  • Allegheny Door Enterprises - Western Pennsylvania and West Virginia
  • Automatic Door Enterprises - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and surrounding areas
  • Del-Mar Door Service - Delaware
  • Door Controls - Louisiana
  • Door Control, Inc. - Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont and Northeast New York
  • Door Concepts, Inc. - Rhode Island and Eastern Massachusetts
  • Eastern Door Service - New Jersey
  • Keystone Automatic Door Enterprises - Northern Pennsylvania
  • Texas Access Controls - Dallas, Houston, Austin and Corpus Christi, Texas areas
  • Horton Automatics of Ontario - Ottawa Valley and Southern Ontario, Canada